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How 3 Singaporean Book Lovers Created Cozy Reading Corners in Their Home?

Love the idea of curling up with a good book, undisturbed for hours as you transport yourself to another world? Then you will love the idea of having a dedicated reading corner in your very own home! 

Don’t think there’s enough space to set aside space for your reading hobby in our tiny Singaporean homes? Well, when there’s a will, there’s a way. 

To get you inspired, we reached out to 3 fellow Singaporean book lovers who opened their homes to us to share how they set up their own little reading havens and cozy nooks in their homes. 

Read on for more!

Interior Design Firm: Insight.Out Studio

Accompanied By a View

Reading for hours on end can tire out our eyes. And that’s why the owners decided on the perfect reading corner just by the window in the living room.

Not only is there plenty of natural lighting to help take the strain off their eyes, but also a wonderful view of relaxing greenery that they can enjoy every so often they decide to take a break from reading.

Interior Design Firm: Insight.Out Studio

Private Reading Nook by The Foyer

Want a little more privacy to read your novel in peace? Well, this little cozy nook by the windows in the foyer is the perfect spot for peace and quiet while you indulge in some weekend reading.

Add on some throws and pillows to comfortably settle in and book lovers will find it tough to leave this corner. 

Interior Design Firm: Interior Signature Studio

Display Your Personal Book Collection 

Want to showcase the precious book collection that you have amassed over the years? There’s no better place to do that than in your dedicated reading space.

If you have a spare room or study that can double up as your private reading corner as this owner does, don’t forget to put up some shelves and cabinets that can serve as a display for your extensive book collection.

Not only is it a neat and convenient way to store your reading materials, but it is also a great talking point for when fellow book readers come to visit!

A Comfortable Seating Area

With the space constraints that most Singaporean homeowners face, smart homeowners like this one have sought to create comfy reading spaces amidst their regular living spaces instead of especially setting aside space for that.

With a plush reading armchair positioned right by the windows for a healthy dose of natural light, a table lamp as an added light source, and a tiny side table for an accompanying cup of tea or coffee, this is easily as comfortable a reading nook as any. 

Keen on Creating a Special Reading Corner in Your Home?

Need some help to come up with a creative way to incorporate a reading nook in your home? 

Why not pick one from our pool of professional interior designers at Redbrick Homes using our proprietary algorithm-powered matchmaker IDMate today!

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